My minions

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Anyone else tired of Charlie Sheen? [Rant]

This guy is CONSTANTLY in the news over the smallest things. Like seriously, who gives a flying pig? So awful. I'm tired of seeing his face in pretty much every news cast or article. So horrible. The guy goes into rehab every other five minutes. rofl


  1. 'Tis the way of the world. Everyone wants someone to make fun of so that they feel better about themselves.

  2. Yeah. And this asshole makes 1.8 million an episode, on a terrible show.

  3. Can't believe 2.5 men is the most popular comedy on television. I mean, what the fuck?

  4. Well, the media are making a lot of money from covering it! They are all about money, not news.

  5. omg that guy is so done its not even funny. Check out my rants on my blog! following and supporting daily!

  6. I am quite sick and tired of him; the guy is a train wreck and I wish people would stop caring. He's got a horrible addiction to drugs, booze and prostitutes. I heard the man spends thousands on hookers in just a weekend XD WOW.

  7. @AugustineOfRhino, I know someone that's IN LOVE with that show, and hates Family Guy/South Park/Simpsons. She's a bit weird :L

  8. Definitely. He's not worth the attention in my book.

  9. I liked him in hot shots. or whatever that rambo parody was.
